Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Political Reporters (MSM)

Courtesy of HobbsOnline from Nashville, TN. Not hard to believe that the MSM would play with crap like this instead of real issues

"Do you want to know why the mainstream media is, increasingly, seen is irrelevant? I'll give you one example: The Knoxville News Sentinel shells out the cash to send its top political reporter, Tom Humphrey - a guy with many years of experience covering politcs - to cover the Republican National Convention and what does he find to write about? The fishing habits of a former Tennessee governor."


No Bias Here - move along!

Courtesy of Balloon Juice - go MSM (Main Stream Media)!

"The surest sign it was a good night for the GOP- Chris Matthews looked like
he was passing a watermelon sized kidney stone afterwards and Andrea Mitchel looked so angst-ridden and distraught I thought she was going to seize up. Then when she spoke, her tone was so bitter I thought she was going to undo all that wonderful cosmetic surgery she has had over the years to fix her ugly skin. What an ugly shrew."


Kerry and "Medals/Ribbons"

"This [Nixon] administration forced us to return our medals because beyond the perversion of the war these leaders themselves denied us the integrity those symbols supposedly gave our lives." - John Kerry, April 1971


Democratic Street Chant

Heard on the Laura Ingraham show (credit Betsy's Page) http://betsyspage.blogspot.com/

"Hey, ho, this right-wing cowboy has got to go
We prefer the gigilo."


Fake Medals for Kerry

Seems Lurch can't get a break - now his former behavior is being shown over his medals earned or not, but definitely rejected.

"Vietnam veterans against John Kerry today are launching a new TV ad that shows the Democrat renouncing his war medals — timed to zing Kerry just before he speaks to vets tomorrow at the American Legion convention. It's the latest move to undermine Kerry by the group known as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth — efforts that appear to have sent him slipping in polls and have sparked rumors of a Kerry campaign shakeup."


Monday, August 30, 2004



Check out Jed Babbin at American Spectator , the future is rough for the War Zero. http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=7044

Kerry's problems with the vets are growing, not shrinking. The Swiftees, having made their points on Kerry's war record, are now shifting to the post-war Kerry, the radical protester. Other groups are ahead of them. One, Vietnam Veterans for Truth, is rallying in Washington on 12 September under the banner, "Kerry Lied While Brave Men Died" (kerrylied.com). Organizers say there will be 5,000 or more at the rally. It will be the seminal event for the non-Swift boat vets, those who will never forgive or forget that it was they whom Kerry labeled "war criminal" thirty-three Aprils ago.



First time in - VietNam Vet against the traitor Kerry - for Bush. Still having trouble with the MSM lies and support of the left wing party. Hope to enjoy posting as time goes. RLT

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