Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Wetback terrorism

Jay Homnick sums up the illegals and their "bloodless terror boycotts":

The sum total of all this is that we are being confronted by the core principle of our age, the one hill that is still worth dying on: namely, that terrorism must never win. It's not enough to point out that, unlike the French frying of Beetles and the French toasting of Tauruses, our street-agitator illegals congregated without mayhem. They are still trying to grab by intimidation and muscle what they could not earn by cooperation and loyalty. We have no choice, if we hope to survive as a civilization, but to withhold political reward from terrorist activity, even the bloodless variety.

If someone wishes to solve the illegal immigration problem short of deportation, it cannot be done by capitulation. Among other things, that will lead to recapitulation of today's events before very long, this time by newly arrived millions. In order for any solution to provide resolution, it must clearly specify that any deal allowing illegals to apply now for legal status to avoid deportation must not include any credit for "time served." Their clock starts now, and they get on the back of the line like any new applicant.


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