Thursday, September 30, 2004
America hating in Canada runs deep
Hailed as heroes in early 2002 by the U.S. military, the six Canadian marksmen were later given highly coveted Bronze Star medals - awards normally reserved for American soldiers who display extraordinary heroism during combat.
However, sources close to the investigation say the snipers were treated with much less than high regard when they returned to their Canadian bases, both in Afghanistan and back home.
"They were treated as outsiders and sort of turncoats," said one source who didn't want to be identified.
Lazy Media Hacks and their agenda
As I noted in my post below, a recent decision of the Southern District of New York struck down part of a 1986 law known as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. How does the press report the decision? No mention of the 1986 law, of course. Instead, the press is reporting that the court struck down a major part of the Patriot Act, in a blow to the Bush Administration's overzealous response to terrorism. As I trace the history of the statute, this is quite inaccurate: the basic law was implemented in 1986, almost 20 years ago. To be fair, the Patriot Act did amend some language in this section; just not in a relevant way. As best I can tell, the court's decision does not rely on or even address anything in the Patriot Act. (See page 14-22 of the Court's opinion for the details of the statute's history.)
But of course you don't get that from the mainstream press, which likes to report everything related to terorrism as if it were the Patriot Act. Here is the New York Times:"
Judge Strikes Down Section of Patriot Act Allowing Secret Subpoenas of Internet Data
A federal judge struck down an important surveillance provision of the antiterrorism legislation known as the USA Patriot Act yesterday, ruling that it broadly violated the Constitution by giving the federal authorities unchecked powers to obtain private information. The ruling, by Judge Victor Marrero of Federal District Court in Manhattan, was the first to uphold a challenge to the surveillance sections of the act, which was adopted in October 2001 to expand the powers of the federal government in national security investigations. The ruling invalidated one piece of the law, finding that it violated both free speech guarantees and protection against unreasonable searches. It is thought likely to provide fuel for other court challenges.
Flip Flop on NRO
FLIP-FLOPPING [Jonah Goldberg]
Interesting point from a reader:
Sir: You and Kerry both miss the point of the flip-flopping charge. Changing one's opinion isn't a problem. It's changing one's opinion (the flip), then changing BACK to the original opinion (the flop). THAT is what Kerry keeps doing, and Bush doesn't.Kerryisms conflictatorus
War questions
First, assuming that you were in favor of the invasion of Iraq at the time of the invasion, do you believe today that the invasion of Iraq was a good idea? Why/why not?
Good or bad "ideas" are not related to decisions about war. War is only contemplated in response to present or future threats. This war certainly succeeded in moving the battleground from mainland US to the middle east.
Second, what reaction do you have to the not-very-upbeat news coming of Iraq these days, such as the stories I link to above?
The so-called MSM is incapable of providing "upbeat news" from Iraq or any other US Theatre of Operations because their cocooning and pack mentality is left wing and hostile to any assertion of US power.
Third, what specific criteria do you recommend that we should use over the coming months and years to measure whether the Iraq invasion has been a success?
To measure the successful invasion over the coming months would be a self-defeating exercise in futility, as the invasion was completed successfully over a year ago. Criteria to be used in measuring pacification and democracy building efforts are best defined by the troops on the ground and their leaders, even though such criteria and reports will be buried and ignored by the MSM as not fitting their pre-determined and myopic story line. Thankfully, the Blogosphere has numerous members fitting the above and other posts from natives and current residents of Iraq. Perhaps enough people will read them to eventually overcome or at least ameliorate the bias of the MSM. As to specific criteria, what's wrong with economic activity, education, and democratic activity? None of this is noticed by our "elite betters", who report only deaths, kidnappings, hostages, hatred, and "widespread attacks".
UPDATE: The following from Clayton Cramer illustrates my point about the MSM exactly:
Stories Like This Make Me Wonder How Low The Mainstream Media Will Go
This is from an article in the Tennessean, in which one of their columnists relates what he found out from talking to Marines in Iraq. Part of this indicates that NBC is engaging in at least questionable journalistic practices as part of their "Defeat Bush" campaign:
Consider this story Rose saw reported: ''I was going through the battle damage assessment at my desk with NBC's Today on the TV. The attack occurred in the middle of the night. I had the footage of the attack on my computer, and here's Katie Couric (or whoever hosts it) showing the same bomb location.And there are other examples of significant news that is not being reported, that should be:
''I had pictures of the bombed vehicles, which is how I knew she was talking about the same location. The next shot is kids being carried into a hospital. We had eyes on this for a long time. If there were kids in there, they were toting weapons or the terrorists used them as human shields. …
''I went to our Combat Operations Center and walked into them watching the same thing. I verified what I thought and spoke with our intelligence guys. They said the whole thing was staged and probably old footage. They track the footage and have seen repeat footage shown in the past. They also said to look at the footage and see if it makes sense. More often than not, it doesn't … pulling a child from rubble with relatively clean clothes. ''
''The Najaf shrine — HUNDREDS of dead women and children were brought out after Sadr left,'' Rose wrote. ''They (Sadr's supporters) rounded them up during the battle and brought them in to be executed. Why? Because they anticipated the Americans would eventually enter the shrine and walk into a media ambush. We never went in. The people of Najaf love us right now because of that. They hate Sadr and want him dead.This sounds like it should have been a major story. But it reflects badly on anti-U.S. insurgents, so don't expect any coverage of it on ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN.
''Have you heard that one yet (in the media)?''
No we haven't. We just get one side. That's bad journalism — by a news media acting in concert with Kerry.
Is there anything that the mainstream media won't do to defeat Bush?
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Despicable Haters
(0) comments"
"Jimmah Carter sucks"
".......I wish Jimmah Carter would just live out his senility in Plains Georgia rather than constantly inflicting himself on us.
There used to be a rule that politics stopped at the waters' edge and politicians (especially incompetent and washed up politicians like Jimmah Carter) didn't run around the world badmouthing the United States' foreign policy. That rule stopped with the Clintons and Jimmah Carter.
The whole Nobel Peace Prize was nothing but a jab at our foreign policy and Jimmah was a nitwit to accept it.
Anyway, Jimmah Carter talking about foreign policy is like Bill Clinton talking about celibacy. It's like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton talking about racial harmony. It's like Ted Kennedy talking about sobriety and safe driving........../snip/...."
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
The Peanut Partisan Hack
.......Just some suggestions. It would be a shame to squander your reputation by accidentally implying that your ideals are subservient to your ideology."
The New York Post seems to have similar problems with the old hypocrite and dictator lover:
"......Jimmy Carter seems to have a thing for heavy-handed rulers; before Chavez, there was his affection for North Korea's Stalinist thug, Kim Jong Il.
That's between the former president and his conscience, of course. But he would do well to butt out of America's sometimes flawed, but fundamentally fair, electoral processes."
Peter Kirsanow of the US Civil Rights Commission adds some rational thought to Carter's partisan rant in the National Review Online:
......The 2000 election in Florida was not particularly unusual. The problems experienced in that state also occurred in many other states and in most previous elections. Even Florida's ballot spoilage rate was within the usual range. But Florida 2000 has devolved into a partisan talking point employed to excite the black electorate with allegations of voter intimidation and stolen ballots. No one disputes that the electoral process needs improvement. But highly charged allegations of bias and partisanship, especially with a racial tinge, won't accomplish that objective."
Monday, September 27, 2004
If the Election Were Held Today | |||||
Winner | Loser | ||||
| 321 Electoral Votes
| 217 Electoral Votes
153 solid, 64 close |
Today's analysis: The five national polls that began 9/20 or later show Bush margins of 4, 4, 6, 7, and 8, averaging out to a 6-point Bush lead. Good news for Bush in Florida: Gallup now gives him a narrow edge. Good news for Kerry in Pennsylvania: A thorough Temple University poll confirms his small lead there. New Hampshire, where Bush had a lead outside the margin, is now a tie (we keep it in Bush's column for the time being), and both Arizona and Missouri have slipped from solid Bush to close Bush. Even Virginia is closer than expected. The trend seems generally in Kerry's favor.
Parody with truth
- "If caught in a serious error, especially one occasioned by your own, questionable motives, always say you "regret," not that you are "apologizing" or "sorry." The first implies that you are feeling pain; the latter two may be taken to connote penitence or contrition.
- Always express regret about your "judgment" rather than your intent. Imply your error was the result of your zeal to "get the story," rather than your zeal to advance your philosophical or political agenda. People will forgive the former, but not the latter.
- If your error damaged or was designed to damage somebody – say, a political candidates – always pretend that your viewers rather than your target are the aggrieved parties. Never apologize to your real victims."
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Bless Ann Coulter
"CBS was attempting to manipulate a presidential election in wartime. What if CBS had used better forgeries? What if -- like Bush's 30-year-old DUI charge -- the media had waited 72 hours before the election to air this character assassination?
There is one reason CBS couldn't wait until just before the election to put these forgeries on the air: It would be too late. Kerry was crashing and burning -- because of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. (Funny that the Swift Boat veterans haven't been able to get on Kerry PR agency CBS News.)"
Plagiarism by the high and mighty again!
So what shall we say of Laurence H. Tribe when he does it--without the footnotes that he so condescendingly told the Harvard undergraduates exonerated Goodwin? If she deserves excuse because she "had not the slightest intention to deceive, to claim originality for thoughts that were unoriginal, or to appropriate another's deathless prose in hopes that she might be credited with a literary gift that belongs in truth to someone else," what excuse is deserved by Professor Tribe?
Perhaps the explanation for the whole thing is simply vanity, Tom Mallon's "peculiar psychology" by which the famous need constant reaffirmation of their fame. Or perhaps it's merely what Henry J. Abraham supposes: "He's a big mahatma and thinks he can get away with this sort of thing."
The way it is today isn't how it was
/snip/A few days after "60 Minutes" claimed to have 30-year-old memos from George W. Bush's National Guard commander, a former CBS executive vice president, Jonathan Klein, sneered at the critics who claimed the old memos had to be modern forgeries written on a computer. "You couldn't have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of check and balances (of professional journalists) and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas writing," Klein said on Fox News on Sept. 10./snip/
/snip/As it turned out, the pajama brigade beat the pants off CBS News in reporting and analysis. It took outsiders, bloggers and CBS competitors, to provide checks and balances./snip/"
Saturday, September 25, 2004
US Military Service
Robert L. Taylor, LTC, MSC, USA (Ret)
served active 1964-1975, including Viet Nam 1969-1970
served reserves 1976- 1992 , including 87th USAMAC exercising plans resulting in all recent Desert Operations.
sKerry Redux
Friday, September 24, 2004
Traitor or Hater or Both?
"For the second day in a row, Vice President Cheney also criticized Kerry for his remarks on Allawi."
"I must say I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Senator Kerry showed for this man of courage," Cheney said at an event Friday morning in Lafayette, La. "Ayad Allawi is our ally. He stands beside us in the war against terror. John Kerry is trying to tear him down and to trash all the good that has been accomplished, and his words are destructive."
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Dateline NBC/60 Minutes 2
“GM sought to divert attention from the central issue,” Gartner said, “namely that there appear to be fundamental problems with the safety of its trucks.”
“We remain convinced that, taken in its entirety and in its detail, the segment that was broadcast on ‘Dateline NBC’ was fair and accurate.”
The short version of that is that Gartner was arguing that the “Dateline” demonstration was fake but true./snip/
We are now entering the third week of the Rathergate scandal, and there are clear indications that CBS News has no intention of following the meticulous procedures necessary to handle the credibility problem created by its broadcast of forged documents in a segment questioning President Bush’s record of service in the Texas Air National Guard./snip/........"
Cal Thomas vs the Poodle
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
International misunderstanding
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Only Ben Stein
Canadian anti-American Hate
bungling of what the pro-war blogosphere has dubbed "Memogate," your hesitation to admit the error of your ways and your blinkered eye on the bottom line, you carpet-bombed the U.S. presidential race with bluster and blather about proportional spacing, nuking what little remains of serious political discourse in the U.S. and making the Kerry-Edwards campaign collateral damage........"
Monday, September 20, 2004
If the poodle were to win......
CBS today
"........There's an old saying to the effect that we sometimes become what we hate. Seems to be true for Dan Rather."
Thomas Lifson 9 20 04
Sunday, September 19, 2004
MSM Political Power?
".......A long-serving governor of Louisiana once boasted that he could not fail of reelection unless he was caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl. Thanks to Rathergate, George W. Bush has a lock on the White House unless he's at least as seriously embarrassed during the next forty days. Kerry's approval ratings are hovering around 36%. It seems that the MSM cannot deliver Evan Thomas's 15-point swing anymore — or, if it can, that the left-wing Democrats' base has dwindled to 20% of the population or less and the Democratic National Committee, too long swaddled in the media cocoon, is in far worse trouble than it understands.
Either way, the self-destruction of the MSM and the collapse of John Kerry's candidacy looks to me like no fluke. It is, rather, a culmination of trends that have been building for three decades. The trend in communications costs is not going to reverse. Therefore media gatekeepers will continue to lose power, voluntary subcultures will continue to gain influence, and the MSM's ability to set agendas will soon be one with the dust of history."
Gunga Dan again
Heh indeed!!!!!!
Blogosphere Response
Clueless MSM
Friday, September 17, 2004
Drill for "points only"
Thursday, September 16, 2004
"Let them go naked...."
“Clothing is wonderful, but let them go naked for a while, at least the kids,” said Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites). “Water is necessary, and then generators, and then food, and then clothes."
"Imagine the media uproar if the wife of a Republican presidential candidate had let those four words escape her lips on the stump."
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
"The Rather Doctrine"
The Rather Doctrine spreads . . . and my job just keeps getting easier. By next week, we're going to give up printing news entirely, and give our pages over to Tom Clancy........."/snip/
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
CBS and "News Debates"
Blather's epitaph and sKerry
Rathergate revisited
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Rathergate End Game
"........If it's shown that Democrats or the Kerry campaign are the source — as suggested by comments to the American Spectator by an unnamed Kerry staffer — CBS better say so.
If the documents prove to be forgeries, resignations from Rather and CBS News President Andrew Heyward would be in order — along with a sweeping review of ethical practices at a once-proud news organization......"
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Network News
Friday, September 10, 2004
These documents are so transparently faked, and hence so transparently a measure of the Dems' desperation, that from now on nothing they say about Bush's service will be believed. Nor should it..............."
"I asked for a short scandal-gate name for the Bush National Guard forged documents story and I think I already have a winner. Several Polipundit readers submitted Rathergate, with the "th" in superscript. (The title of this post was the closest I could get with my limited technical ability to type in Blogger. If anyone can tell me how to type superscript "th" at Blogger, please let know.) To give credit where due, at least one reader said they thought they saw the name first at Captain's Quarters. Considering the reported personal interest that Dan Rather took in pushing this story, I think the name fits perfectly."
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Dowd Insults the Handicapped again
Ken Waight at Lyinginponds pointed out to me earlier today that while I was relaxing over the Labor Day weekend, Maureen Dowd was busy piling on the slurs in her Op-Ed column over the weekend. MoDo writes...
W. suddenly proclaimed himself a compassionate conservative again, even though extra-chromosome conservatives, as Lee Atwater called them, were in closed meetings calling for a culture war to curb the rights of women and gays.
Democratic Party Forgeries
I am saying these documents are forgeries, run through a copier for 15 generations to make them look old. This should be pursued aggressively......................"
Update 2: LGF has more visual and analytical information:
".........I opened Microsoft Word, set the font to Microsoft’s Times New Roman, tabbed over to the default tab stop to enter the date “18 August 1973,” then typed the rest of the document purportedly from the personal records of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian.
And my Microsoft Word version, typed in 2004, is an exact match for the documents trumpeted by CBS News as “authentic.”............."
Indiana Jones
".............Watching Mr Kerry try to take on Mr Bush brings to mind a classic moment in that cult film of the 1980s, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones is trapped in a back-alley in an Egyptian souk.
A crowd closes in as a giant Arab steps forward wielding a scimitar. Snick-snack it goes through the air, faster and faster. The audience tenses. Indie shudders.
Then he draws a pistol from his belt and shoots the Arab in the forehead. Game over. The crowd drifts away.
Such is America's polarisation that the crowd enveloping the two presidential candidates is not yet drifting away. But, notwithstanding his own twists over Iraq, Mr Bush plays a convincing straight shooter. His pistol is already drawn and all the while Mr Kerry seems happier whirling a scimitar than reaching for a gun........................................."
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Smear Campaign
"September 8, 2004
To: Bush-Cheney '04 Grassroots Team
From: Ed Gillespie, Republican National Committee Chairman
Subject: Brace Yourselves
In response to President Bush's Agenda for America's Future and a critique of his policies and Senate record, Senator Kerry's campaign is implementing a strategy of vicious personal attacks against the President and Vice President./snip/.............Of course, the President was called a "cheap thug," a "killer" and a "liar" at a Kerry-Edwards campaign event in New York, Mrs. Kerry has called the President's policies "unpatriotic" and "immoral" and DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe falsely accused the President of being AWOL............................"
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Religion of Peace and Infinite Tolerance
The Washington Times reports that the weekend conference - sponsored in part by the Baptist General Association of Virginia - was conducted under tight security, with participants using assumed names to guard against Muslim retaliation.
The newspaper reports that many participants said they face ostracism and even death threats for converting from Islam to Christianity.
Some said they're afraid to tell their families that they've become Christians."
National Guard/Reserve Duty
Monday, September 06, 2004
AP stories
"Before Kerry arrived there was a huge pro-life march led by Franciscan University students, 500 strong. "You can't be Catholic and pro-abortion", read some of their signs. Students and members of local Catholic parishes were full of energy and FoxNews reported that this was the largest protest against Kerry outside of the Democratic Convention....The Kerry campaign...also chose to hold the rally in a public park which should be open to all the public. Mistake number three. The police chief, sheriff, and mayor all agreed with me that protesters and their signs would be allowed inside the Kerry rally site. Freedom of speech is alive and well here in Ohio. The Kerry campaign flipped out!
So, now add another 500 local Bush supporters to the Kerry rally. They tried to turn up the music but they could not drown us out. According to the Herald Star (local press), "The crowd, estimated by officials as 3,500 strong, was almost split in half with people for and against the Massachusetts senator." John Kerry must know he has a problem when over 15% of his audience was booing him. We were respectful and did not heckle him - but upon arrival and when he sought our applause he got something he didn't expect. As the press arrived a feisty nine year old little girl began shouting, "We want Bush!", and we all chanted along. The campaign staff was beside themselves. This is history in the making! Even places like Steubenville are not supporting John Kerry. He is in serious trouble.
Now, check out this Associated Press article on Kerry's visit to Steubenville by Darlene Superville. Note the next to the last paragraph:
Several dozen Bush supporters greeted Kerry in Steubenville with signs favoring a second Bush term and opposing the Catholic Kerry's support for abortion rights.
I think that until further notice, you should assume that every news article you see that is based on an AP dispatch--probably at least half of the content of most newspapers--should be considered unreliable."
One man's terrorist.......
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Not a lot to work with
John Kerry's Heroism
"Are journalists capable of logical analysis? The Swift Vet story is showing us a lot more about the mainstream media besides bias. They don’t seem to understand what the basic issue is. And they are clearly confused about who has the burden of proof.
Many media outlets have claimed that the Swift Vets’ have been discredited (see e.g. Jeffrey H. Smith in today’s Washington Post, “Did Bush Miss Vietnam’s Lessons?”). You don’t have to get down to debating the gritty details to see how far they have missed the boat. One has to wonder if they even have the capacity to see the big picture.
The dispute is really simple. Was John Kerry a war hero? He says that he was and that his heroism makes him the most qualified candidate for president. He stakes his claim for heroism on his receipt of five medals -- a silver star, a bronze star and 3 purple hearts. Kerry and his cheerleaders like Brinkley and Kranish have told voters that he fought with extraordinary courage. They built an image of Kerry as a naval officer who demonstrated bravery far beyond the typical soldier or sailor and who suffered serious wounds in the process. They had successfully communicated this image to a number of swing voters before the Swift Vets appeared on the scene.
The Swift Vets responded with two basic claims. First, that Kerry was not really a war hero. Second, that Kerry betrayed his fellow veterans when he came home. The facts regarding the betrayal claim are not much in dispute, although perhaps still not known by most voters. It will be left to the voters as to whether those actions were appropriate. The current argument focuses on the claim of war heroism.
Have the Swift Vets proven their claim that Kerry is not a war hero? Have they established that John Kerry did not fight with extraordinary bravery? Absolutely. They have blown Kerry’s carefully crafted image clear out of the water. And they have done it with facts. The “mainstream” journalists have completely missed this. They keep focusing on whether or not the facts show Kerry’s actions to have met the lowest possible technical threshold necessary for a medal to be awarded. They also mistakenly put the burden of proof on the Swift Vets......................"
Saturday, September 04, 2004
"Boos to Ooohs"
Editor and Publisher has the following headline - read the story:
2d Update:
Newsmax reports a full retraction and error report - I have not been able to locate the actual feed for AP.
AP Fabrications and "Audience Boos"
Mark Steyn and "Lurch"
Sorry, man, that's not the way it works."..............
Friday, September 03, 2004
Gone South
Four years ago, I thought I might have dinner at the World Trade Center one day."
Editor and Publisher Bias
(September 03, 2004) --
A Saint
Kerry was going to visit the Catholic National Cathedral outside Washington as part of his campaign. Kerry's campaign manager made a visit to the Cardinal and said to him, "We've been getting a lot of bad publicity among Catholics because of Kerry's position on abortion and the like. We'd gladly make a contribution to the church of $100,000 if during your sermon you'd say John Kerry is a Saint."
The Cardinal thinks it over for a moment and agrees to do it.
Kerry shows up, and as the Mass progresses the Cardinal begins his homily.
"John Kerry is petty, a self absorbed hypocrite and a nit-wit. He is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. He is the worst example of a Catholic I've ever personally known.
...but compared to Ted Kennedy, John Kerry is a Saint."
Thursday, September 02, 2004
* Democrats chose the donkey as their symbol because the Democrat base smells as bad as one and has the same verbal skills. In the donkey's defense, it's smart enough to understand a butterfly ballot.
* The name Democrat comes from the combination of "demo" - which means "demonic" - and "crat" - which is a term for something unidentifiable which you scrape off your shoe.
* If your skin pigmentation is dark enough, you may be legally required to vote for Democrats.
* Democrats are big into class warfare. They also are for gun control which has caused the deadliest firearms to be too expensive except for the rich to buy. So, if class warfare ever goes to blows, it won't last long.
* No matter what legislation the Republicans propose, the Democrats call it "just a tax cut for the rich." When Republicans proposed to free the slaves, Democrats called it "just a tax cut for the rich."
* The base of the Democratic part is thought to be angry, drunken dwarves, but they may in fact be gnomes."..................
Red State/Blue State
"High fertility . . . correlates strongly with support for George W. Bush. Of the top 10 most fertile states, all but one voted for Bush in 2000. Among the 17 states that still produce enough children to replace their populations, all but two--Iowa and Minnesota--voted for Bush in the last election. Conversely, the least fertile states--a list that includes Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Connecticut--went overwhelmingly for Al Gore. Women living in Gore states on average have 12 percent fewer babies than women living in Bush states. . . .
In states where Bush won a popular majority in 2000, the average woman bears 2.11 children in her lifetime--which is enough to replace the population. In states where Gore won a majority of votes in 2000, the average woman bears 1.89 children, which is not enough to avoid population decline. Indeed, if the Gore states seceded from the Bush states and formed a new nation, it would have the same fertility rate, and the same rapidly aging population, as France--that bastion of "old Europe." . . ."
Kerry and Veterans
"Perhaps the best line making its way around veterans' Web sites these days is: 'A Kerry defeat would be the welcome-home parade we never had.' "
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Kerry and VVAW
"A U.S. INFANTRY COMPANY JUST CAME THROUGH HERE!If you had been Vietnamese ---
We might have burned your house
We might have shot your dog
We might have shot you
We might have raped your wife and daughter
We might have turned you over to your government for torture
We might have taken souvenirs from your property
We might have shot things up a bit
We might have done ALL these things to you and your whole TOWN!
If it doesn't bother you that American soldiers do these things every day to the Vietnamese simply because they are 'Gooks,' then picture YOURSELF as one of the silent VICTIMS.
Political Humor (?)
Jay Leno (paraphrased):
"Did you see the pictures of John Kerry windsurfing? Even his hobbies depend on which way the wind blows."
Axis of Weevil
Eschewing the wisdom of Groucho Marx
Last evening, Chet the E-Mail Boy came running in breathlessly (breathlessly being more his normal state, and running being more of a shuffle) from his Linotype machine in the basement with a printout of the following message from someone who obviously never thought it wrong to want to be in club that would have him as a member:
Request permission and qualifications to join the Axis of Weevil.......see's Place.